Austrian Servant Abroad of the Year
The award Austrian Servant Abroad of the Year is conferred by the Austrian Service Abroad and designates the “best” Austrian Servant Abroad of a cohort. The award shall encourage Austrian Service Abroad volunteers to go the extra-mile. It also is a way of honouring distinguished merit.
From each cohort a maximum of 5 individuals may be awarded with distinction.
The basis of evaluation includes the time-period of the candidate’s preparation before the commencement of his Auslandsdienst as well as during his service abroad.
The criteria for the award correlate to the 4 pillars of the Austrian Service Abroad. The deciding committee is the leadership team of the Austrian Service Abroad.
The award Austrian Servant Abroad of the Year is, among others, a manner of saying Thank You to individuals who deserve special gratitude.
Awards 2005 – 2024
- Moritz Gemel, Capetown Holocaust and Genocide Centre, South Africa
- Philipp Auberger, The Azrieli Foundation, Canada
- David Ditlbacher, Fondation pour la mémoire de la déportation, Paris, France
- Michaela Franjo, Centre for Peace, Non-violence and Human Rights Osijek, Croatia
- Dominik Hohla, Auroville Institute of Applied Technology (AIAT), Tamil Nadu, India
- Noah Guilherme Plattner, Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines, Tapei, Taiwan und Le CegeSoma – Centre d ́Étude Guerre et Société, Brussels, Belgium
- Daniel Hackl, Holocaust Education and Genocide Prevention Foundation Montreal, Canada
- Tatjana Lang, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel
- Marco Spieler, Tropenstation La Gamba, Costa Rica
- Markus Mamadou Wane, Enda Graf Sahel, Dakar, Senegal
- Teresa Dujmovits, Carnegie Foundation Friedenspalast, Den Haag, Netherlands
- Dennis Miskić, Srebrenica Genocide Memorial, Potocari, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Florian Müller, Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights, Kroatien & Hugo Valentin Centre, Sweden
- Raphael Faul, Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea, Mailand & Haver Srbija, Serbia
- Matthias Kralupper, Act for Transformation, Georgien & National Museum of Contemporary History, Slovenia
- Haris Hadzimejlic, Centre de la Mémoire d’Oradour sur Glane, France
- Raphael Winkler, Tropenstation La Gamba, Costa Rica & Casa Estudiantil ASOL, Guatemala
- Jonathan Dorner, Holocaust Museum of LA, USA
- Monika Messner, Na’amat Kindertagesstätte, Israel
- Francesco Konigsberger, Federation of Jewish Communities, Czech Republic
- Cornelius Schwärzler, Russian Research and Educational Holocaust Center, Russland & Fondazione Museo della Shoa, Italy & Dokumentation Obersalzberg, Germany
- David Witzeneder, Tropical Field Station La Gamba & Finca Salvador, Costa Rica
2010: Peter Loibner, GU SRZ Vera, Russia
2009: Jörg Reitmaier, Auschwitz Jewish Center, Poland & Virginia Holocaust Museum, USA
- 2008: René J. Laglstorfer, Centre de la mémoire d’Oradour, France & Center of Jewish Studies Shanghai, China
2007: Daniel James Schuster, Yad Vashem Jerusalem, Israel
2006: Martin Wallner, Center of Jewish Studies Shanghai, China
2005: Dr. Andreas Daniel Matt, SOS Children’s Villages Lahore, Pakistan