Austrian Servant Abroad of the Year

The award Austrian Servant Abroad of the Year is conferred by the Austrian Service Abroad and designates the “best” Austrian Servant Abroad of a cohort. The award shall encourage Austrian Service Abroad volunteers to go the extra-mile. It also is a way of honouring distinguished merit.

From each cohort a maximum of 5 individuals may be awarded with distinction.

The basis of evaluation includes the time-period of the candidate’s preparation before the commencement of his Auslandsdienst as well as during his service abroad.

The criteria for the award correlate to the 4 pillars of the Austrian Service Abroad. The deciding committee is the leadership team of the Austrian Service Abroad.

The award Austrian Servant Abroad of the Year is, among others, a manner of saying Thank You to individuals who deserve special gratitude.

Awards 2005 – 2024


    • Moritz Gemel, Capetown Holocaust and Genocide Centre, South Africa
    • Philipp Auberger, The Azrieli Foundation, Canada


    • David Ditlbacher, Fondation pour la mémoire de la déportation, Paris, France
    • Michaela Franjo, Centre for Peace, Non-violence and Human Rights Osijek, Croatia
    • Dominik Hohla, Auroville Institute of Applied Technology (AIAT), Tamil Nadu, India
    • Noah Guilherme Plattner, Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines, Tapei, Taiwan und Le CegeSoma – Centre d ́Étude Guerre et Société, Brussels, Belgium
    • Daniel Hackl, Holocaust Education and Genocide Prevention Foundation Montreal, Canada


    • Tatjana Lang, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel
    • Marco Spieler, Tropenstation La Gamba, Costa Rica
    • Markus Mamadou Wane, Enda Graf Sahel, Dakar, Senegal
    • Teresa Dujmovits, Carnegie Foundation Friedenspalast, Den Haag, Netherlands
    • Dennis Miskić, Srebrenica Genocide Memorial, Potocari, Bosnia and Herzegovina


    • Florian Müller, Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights, Kroatien & Hugo Valentin Centre, Sweden
    • Raphael Faul, Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea, Mailand & Haver Srbija, Serbia
    • Matthias Kralupper, Act for Transformation, Georgien & National Museum of Contemporary History, Slovenia
    • Haris Hadzimejlic, Centre de la Mémoire d’Oradour sur Glane, France
    • Raphael Winkler, Tropenstation La Gamba, Costa Rica & Casa Estudiantil ASOL, Guatemala


    • Jonathan Dorner, Holocaust Museum of LA, USA
    • Monika Messner, Na’amat Kindertagesstätte, Israel


    • Francesco Konigsberger, Federation of Jewish Communities, Czech Republic
    • Cornelius Schwärzler, Russian Research and Educational Holocaust Center, Russland & Fondazione Museo della Shoa, Italy & Dokumentation Obersalzberg, Germany
    • David Witzeneder, Tropical Field Station La Gamba & Finca Salvador, Costa Rica

2010: Peter Loibner, GU SRZ Vera, Russia

2009: Jörg Reitmaier, Auschwitz Jewish Center, Poland & Virginia Holocaust Museum, USA

  • 2008: René J. Laglstorfer, Centre de la mémoire d’Oradour, France & Center of Jewish Studies Shanghai, China

2007: Daniel James Schuster, Yad Vashem Jerusalem, Israel

2006: Martin Wallner, Center of Jewish Studies Shanghai, China

2005: Dr. Andreas Daniel Matt, SOS Children’s Villages Lahore, Pakistan

Peace Servant at the Peace Palace in The Hague receives the Austrian Servant Abroad of the Year certificate and glass trophy from Deputy Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Austria Erik Litver (December 2022)

Austrian Servant Abroad of the Year 2007 Daniel J. Schuster giving a speech at his award ceremony in the Palais Epstein in front of the president of the Austrian Parliament Mag.  Barbara Prammer, the Israeli ambassador to Austria Dan Ashbel, the chairman of the Austrian Service Abroad Dr. Andreas Maislinger, the Australian ambassador to Austria Dr. Peter Shannon, the Chinese ambassador to Austria Lu Yonghua and the former Minister of Interior Karl Schlögl. (October 2007)