The International Council is an international network consisting of personalities, who lend the Austrian Service Abroad support in advisory capacity. To him, particularly the contact in the respective countries has priority.

The Advisory Council consists just like the International Council of well-known personalities, who on the other hand mostly sojourn in Austria and support and advise the organisation’s board of directors in many fields.

Advisory Council

Name Occupation
Hubert Achleitner Musician
Christian Autengruber
Ute Bock (†) Educator
Emil Brix Diplomat
Marko Feingold (†) President of the Israelite cultic community Salzburg
Martha Gammer Gusen Gedenkdienst Committee
Paul Lendvai Publicist and presenter
Ernst Löschner Founder of Alpine Peace Crossing
Manfred Nowak Lawyer
Eva Nowotny Diplomat
Cornelius Obonya Actor
Wolfgang Petritsch President of the Austrian Institute for international Affairs
Michael Schnitzler Musician
Renée Schroeder Explorer and University professor
Danielle Spera Former director of the Jewish Museum of Vienna
Richard Trappl Sinologist
August Zirner Actor
Ferdinand Trauttmansdorff Diplomat

International Council

Country Name
Chairman Ernst Florian Winter (†)
Argentina Erika Rosenberg
Australia Paul R. Bartrop (Oktober 2010 – Februar 2020)
Bosnia and Herzegowina Eli Tauber
Brasil Alberto Dines (†)
Costa Rica Roland Spendlingwimmer
Germany Thomas Rabe
France Michel Cullin (†), Beate Klarsfeld
Georgia Gabriela von Habsburg
India Barbara Nath-Wiser
Israel Ben Segenreich
Italia Camilla Brunelli, Marcello Pezzetti
Canada Walter Absil (†)
Croatia Branko Lustig (†)
Latvia Daniel Janetschek
Libanon Eugene Sensenig
Nigeria Festus Imarhiagbe
Palästinensische Autonomiegebiete Andreas Sami Prauhart
Poland Konstanty Gebert
Russia Ilja Altman
Sweden Gerald Nagler (†)
Switzerland Anita Winter
Senegal Charles M. Huber
South Africa Tali Nates
Tunisia Gudrun Sageder
Ukraine Borys Sabarko
Hungary György Dalos